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Yes, Press ### to hang up on called party. You will than be prompted to enter the new number of the call you want to make.
If turned on, (you can turn it on within your Forwarding Preferences) Call Guard will monitor your connection. If you lose the connection and the caller stays on the line, the caller is told to hang on while PhoneFusion calls you back and then attempts to...
When you log in, make sure that you type in your phone number without any dashes or spaces - just the number.
You can, but in order to dial an international phone number, your bill must be current (paid up to date) and you need to call customer service to have us switch on your international calling capability.
To stop recording during a call: 1| PRESS # # 7. 2| Reminder Memo is now turned off. You will hear a tone indicating that recording has been disabled.
To transfer a call in-progress: 1| Anytime after you have received a call, PRESS ##8. 2| Dial the phone number where you would like the call transferred, then PRESS #. 3| PRESS 1, and your call has now been transferred.
When you type in a forwarding number, make sure that you type the phone number without any dashes or spaces - just the 10 digit number.
You need to check whether you have recorded the outgoing message that callers hear when they dial your number, or the voicemail message they will hear once you cannot be reached. These are two separate messages that you must record. Also, make sure that w...
PhoneFusion will store your faxes in your Virtual Inbox as long as you have the available storage space. You can always choose to purchase additional mailbox storage if you need to. Remember you can always have PhoneFusion set up to forward your faxes t...
Yes, you can. Go to http://login.phonefusion.com/ and enter your PhoneFusion number and password. Click on PHONE OPTIONS. Next, click on PHONE. Choose PHONE PREFERENCES. You will now be able to choose the type of music callers will hear.
Yes. We charge $150 per hour or part thereof for this service. It does not matter if it's "just a quick thing" - it will still cost a minimum of $150. We suggest you do it yourself because when you do, it's FREE!!
PhoneFusion can be programmed to dial an extension. To set this up go into your FORWARDING PREFERENCES and put your extension in as Post-Dial Digits.
No. Any voicemail or faxes that are delivered to you and deposited into your universal inbox, are accessible by you at no charge. You can then listen to voicemail, and view your faxes, at no charge over the Internet in the convenience of your home or any ...
PhoneFusion can create an individual custom package based on your needs. Please contact customer service for more information.
No. Once you have a PhoneFusion account, you can keep your existing long distance company and still make long distance calls through PhoneFusion. You can make long distance calls from any phone through our system and have those calls billed to your PhoneF...
Yes, you can forward existing numbers to your new PhoneFusion Personal Phone Number with the Call Forwarding feature provided by your phone service carrier.
Yes. The design of PhoneFusion allows the system to work with any phone system you currently use. It works with any cell phone, office phone, or home phone.
To make a local or long distance phone call: 1| Dial your PhoneFusion Personal Phone Number. 2| When the system answers, PRESS *. 3| Enter your Phone Pass Code and PRESS #. 4| PRESS 9. 5| Enter the number you wish to dial and PRESS #.
Music! Your callers will hear music-on-hold just like those professional phone systems. You can choose classical music for your callers to listen to, or upload your favorite music to your account. Pick the style that matches your personality. Or if you ch...
No. When your callers send you an incoming fax, the system will deposit their fax directly into your universal inbox. You will be given access through the Internet to read and print any incoming fax that is sent to you. The system will also deliver your f...
No. PhoneFusion requires no additional software or hardware to buy. The PhoneFusion system operates on a sophisticated computer network and is made available to you on your existing telephones.
To make another phone call without hanging up: 1| When you have finished with your first call PRESS * * 9. 2| PRESS 2. 3| Enter the next phone number you wish to dial, PRESS #.
Yes. By simply calling your PhoneFusion number and selecting an option to manage your faxes, PhoneFusion will let you direct them to any fax machine you wish. You can also log into your web account and forward your faxes to a fax machine or email address...
No. Faxes being sent to you on your PhoneFusion number can be delivered directly to your PhoneFusion Online Account. This way, you can access your faxes from any computer that has an Internet connection. You will also enjoy a permanent record of your faxe...
Yes. Any changes you wish to make to your account can be made by going to members.phonefusion.com.
Your PhoneFusion account has a lot of security. We provide you with a phone password as well as an Internet access password that you can change at any time. Having these password securities will insure that only you have access to your information. Please...
TO VIEW YOUR FAXES. 1| Click on the appropriate icon A .PDF file will open allowing you to view and/or print your fax document. You also have the option to forward your faxes to another system user or a fax machine or delete them.
No. Our customer support professionals are trained to ask for specific information to properly identify the caller with a particular PhoneFusion account. We are very concerned about protecting confidential information related to your account - especially ...
All charges for PhoneFusion services including usage charges are conveniently billed to your Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express account on a monthly basis.
Yes. You can select MANAGE ACCOUNT -> REPORTS -> CREDIT CARD -> Than click on the dollar amount billed for the month you want to view. You will than see a detail of all charges to your account for that billing cycle.
Simple. When someone calls your PhoneFusion number, the system will ask them who is calling. When PhoneFusion delivers the call to you, PhoneFusion will tell you the name of your caller along with the phone number. You decide with whom you would like to s...
We offer you reporting on all call activity that occurs on your account. That means every incoming call, fax, or e-mail is confidentially logged to your Internet site for your review. We also provide you with an inbox that reports to you in a condensed fo...
To connect with a caller that is in the process of leaving you a voicemail message: 1| PRESS 2 at any time. 2| You will then be connected to your caller. 3| Begin speaking.
Most countries cannot make calls to toll-free numbers from outside the United States. International users must set up an account with local numbers or contact Customer Support.
When you sign up with PhoneFusion, we recommend taking a few moments to access your account and familiarize yourself with all the functions and how they work. If you only set up your profile with your office number on the account, then that will be the on...
PhoneFusion allows your single number to act as your personal fax number. When someone wants to send you a fax, they simply dial your number and press the send key on their fax machine. PhoneFusion detects a fax is being received, and sends it to your Int...
No, because the numbers are generated from our computer. We only have so many numbers and once we put your information in the computer it automatically generates the next available number.
To update your account options: 1| Dial your PhoneFusion Personal Phone Number. 2| When the system answers, PRESS *. 3| Enter your Phone Pass Code and PRESS #. 4| PRESS 3. You can also change any account information by logging on to your account at...
No. The service is on a monthly basis. If after using PhoneFusion you find that it's not for you, simply call our customer support department and cancel your account. Our customer support professionals will cancel your acount and discontinue billing.
To send callers to voicemail: 1| PRESS 8. 2| Your caller will hear your voicemail Greeting. 3| Hang up or listen to your caller leave their message.
Yes and No - It depends. If you have a local telephone number and are making and receiving local calls there are no per minute charges. If you are using PhoneFusion operating primarily on our toll free national network, the cost of the call is free to you...
1- Log on to your account by going to http://login.phonefusion.com. 2- Enter your phone number and password. 3- Click on PHONE OPTIONS. 4- Click on PHONE. 5- Click on SPEED DIAL. 6-Add the numbers you would like to have on Speed Dial.
TO LISTEN TO VOICEMAIL: 1| Click on the appropriate icon A .WAV file will open and begin to play your message. Right click on the highlight message; you will then have the option to forward your message to another system user or delete your message pl...
The cost of the PhoneFusion Standard Package is $9.95 per month. See our Web site at www.phonefusion.com for other packages. When all is said, PhoneFusion costs just pennies per day.
You can enter up to 4 phone numbers in your personal profile. If you need more, we can add more to your account for an additional monthly charge.
1| Dial your PhoneFusion Personal Phone Number. 2| When the system answers, PRESS *. 3| Enter your Phone Pass Code, then PRESS #. 4| PRESS 9. 5| Enter the phone number you are calling, then PRESS #. 6| PRESS # # 7. 7| Reminder Memo is now turned on....
1| Anytime after you connect with your caller, PRESS # # 7. 2| You will hear a tone indicating that recording is enabled.
TO INITIATE A CONFERENCE CALL 1| Dial your PhoneFusion Personal Phone Number. 2| When the system answers, PRESS *. 3| Enter your Phone Pass Code and PRESS #. 4| PRESS 9 to make the first call. 5| Enter the local or long distance phone number to t...
To reject your incoming call and hang up on your caller: 1| PRESS 7 and your call will be disconnected. 2| Your caller will be sent a system message telling them that you could not be located. 3| Simply hang up. NOTE: When rejecting a call, the call...
PhoneFusion will announce the name and phone number of all incoming calls before your caller is connected. To accept your incoming call: 1| PRESS 2 and your caller is immediately connected to you. 2| When you are finished with your call, simply hang ...
To send you a fax document, callers should: 1| Dial your PhoneFusion Personal Phone Number. 2| When the system answers, PRESS 3. 3| Wait for a voice prompt telling the caller to PRESS THE START KEY. 4| PRESS THE START KEY on caller's fax machine.
When you add or change the credit card number we have on file, PhoneFusion(tm) will post an authorization hold of $2.50 on your card.
Feel free to change your cell phone number at anytime. With PhoneFusion, you simply log on to the Internet or dial into your PhoneFusion account and enter the new phone numbers for your new cell phone. PhoneFusion will then begin sending calls to your new...
When a new voicemail message is left for you, PhoneFusion will call you to let you know a message is waiting. You can also choose to receive email notifications of new voicemails. If you want to listen to your message, simply press a button on your phone ...
TO REMOVE AN ATTENDEE FROM A CONFERENCE CALL 1| PRESS # # 3. Attendees are removed in the reverse order that they were added to the call. The last caller added to the conference is the first one removed.
PhoneFusion is a communications service that calls all the phone numbers you set up in your personal profile (wireless phone, office, or home) simultaneously. When you are reached, you are notified of who is calling so you can decide to take the call or f...
To redial a phone number that you called or that called you: 1| Dial your PhoneFusion Personal Phone Number. 2| When the system answers, PRESS *. 3| Enter your Phone Pass Code and PRESS #. 4| PRESS 3. 5| PRESS 5. 6| PRESS 1 to redial the number...
To access and update your Virtual Inbox: 1| Go to the Web address of http://login.phonefusion.com 2| Enter your PhoneFusion Personal Phone Number. 3| Enter your Web Pass Code and Click LOG IN. 4] Click MESSAGES You have now entered your secure Virt...
PhoneFusion will save a voicemail message for 21 days and then automatically delete your message to make room for new messages in your account. To save your voicemail message: 1| Dial your PhoneFusion Personal Phone Number. 2| When the system answers...
To replay a voicemail message over the phone: 1| Dial your PhoneFusion Personal Phone Number. 2| When the system answers, PRESS *. 3| Enter your Phone Pass Code and PRESS #. 4| PRESS 1. 5| PRESS 1 to replay the voicemail message. When finished, ha...
Your callers can leave you a voice message up to two minutes long.
There are times when you will receive a call that you can't take immediately, but you don't want your caller to immediately go to voicemail. For these calls, you can send your caller a live spoken message that they will immediately hear without your takin...
Yes. To review your call activity: 1| Dial your PhoneFusion Personal Phone Number. 2| When the system answers, PRESS *. 3| Enter your Phone Pass Code and PRESS #. 4| PRESS 3. 5| PRESS 6. âEUR¢ PRESS 1 to listen to incoming PhoneFusion calls. âEUR...
Yes. All charges are itemized in a detailed format and made available to you right over the Internet. We believe in providing you with real-time billing information when you want it, rather than waiting for the statement to arrive at the end of the month.
No. Our billing for long distance usage is in six second increments. This way you only pay for the time you use rounded to the next closest six second increment.
To receive help from a PhoneFusion Customer Support Professional, call 888-208-7801. ** PLEASE NOTE that there is NO phone support for Voicemail+, only via email and the support site ticket system. Calls to support for Voicemail+ will be refered back t...
To access PhoneFusion fax features: 1| Dial Your PhoneFusion Personal Phone Number. 2| When the system answers, PRESS *. 3| Enter your Phone Pass Code and PRESS #. 4| PRESS 4, then you can: âEUR¢ PRESS 1 to resend all new faxes. âEUR¢ Enter a Fax N...
To listen to your voicemail messages: 1| Dial your PhoneFusion Personal Phone Number. 2| When the system answers, PRESS *. 3| Enter your Phone Pass Code and PRESS #. 4| PRESS 1. 5| When finished, hang up. These options can be different if you have...
To change your Phone or Web password, go to http://login.phonefusion.com/ and enter your PhoneFusion number and password. Click on MANAGE ACCOUNT. Next, Click on SECURITY. You will now be able to change your password.
Members for your Meet Me Conference code dial your PhoneFusion phone number and then press 9. They will then be asked to enter the Meet Me Conference code. It's easy!
To delete your voicemail message you can go to http://login.phonefusion.com/ and delete your messages by going to the MESSAGES section. You can also delete voicemail messages by phone. Simply: 1| Dial your PhoneFusion Personal Phone Number. 2| When t...
Yes, We can notify you via email/text or by phone. Please reference the Web User Guide under the Support section of your account for direction on how to do so.
Yes, you can. To call back the sender of your voicemail message: 1| Dial your PhoneFusion Personal Phone Number. 2| When the system answers, PRESS *. 3| Enter your Phone Pass Code and PRESS #. 4| PRESS 1. 5| PRESS 9 to automatically call back the se...
This is generally a problem with your computer. However, if you are able to play other WAV files or MP3 files AND can also hear DVDs when then are played on your computer then please forward a message with problematic sound to us and we will be glad to ...
Greeting management is best done via the Apps or via the website. If you want to use the phone do the following To record your voicemail greeting: 1| Dial your PhoneFusion Personal Phone Number. 2| When the system answers, PRESS *. 3| Enter your P...
Go to http://members.phonefusion.com [http://members.phonefusion.com] and then enter your telephone number as your username (without a 1 or any dashes or spaces) i.e. 8001234567. Click on "forgot password" and then press the login button. We will e-mail...